
Massage Therapy

Relaxation & Therapeutic Massage

Massage Therapy is used to help release stress and tension associated with muscular aches and aids in healing from injury or over-use. Massage is an excellent form of preventative self-care. 

 Your Massage Therapist will talk with you before your treatment about how we can personalize your massage to your needs. 

30 minutes – $50

45 minutes – $80

60 minutes – $90

75 minutes – $110

90 minutes – $130

120 minutes – $200

Senior Savings (55+) – $75 

Prenatal Massage

Receiving massage during pregnancy can help relieve aches and pains caused by extra weight, changing structural alignment and hormones. 

Zen Paradise uses a pregnancy bolster so the client can rest on her stomach while receiving massage.

Please Note: You must be into your second trimester to receive prenatal massage.

30 minutes – $50

60 minutes – $90

90 minutes – $130

Cupping Therapy

Cupping Therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine that involves special cups to be placed on the body for a few minutes with suction. 

Clients find it may help with pain, inflammation, blood flow, relaxation and well being as well as a type of deep tissue massage. 

If you’re interested in Cupping ask your therapist to incorporate into your massage treatment. 

Hot Stone

During a Hot Stone massage, heated stones made of basalt are placed on the body and used throughout the session to melt away muscle tension. 

60 minutes – $120

75 minutes – $140

90 minutes – $160


Raindrop Therapy technique helps bring feelings of balance and harmony to the body by combining targeted massage, reflexology and heat.

It involves dropping essential oils like raindrops along the spine.

Thyme, Basil, Peppermint, Oregano, Wintergreen, Cypress, Marjoram, Valor and Aroma Seiz Essential Oils are used in this treatment.

This is a very light and relaxing treatment. 

*Scent Sensitive clients may want to avoid*

30 minutes – $60

60 minutes – $110

90 minutes – $150


Reiki - Energy Work

Reiki is a form of alternative medicine called Energy Work or Energy Healing.

You truly must believe in this type of work to receive.  

Many people who receive Reiki say it works, is deeply relaxing and encourages emotional and physical healing.

There is little to no physical touch but the receiver may feel a variety of emotions and/or sensations.

30 minutes – $30

60 minutes – $60

Add on Services

Treat your Scalp – $15

 promotes relaxation and can also relieve tension headaches and increases blood flow to the scalp. 

Treat your Feet – $20

hot stones massage your lower legs then have your tension and stress whisked away with a foot massage

Aromatherapy – $10

you choose one of three scents to be diffused and added into your massage oil.

  1. Lavender Haze
  2. Orange Haven
  3. Peppermint Halo

Frequently Asked Question

Massage therapy is a recognized health care option that positively contributes to general health and wellness while also working the body’s soft tissue to help relieve pain and stiffness associated with stress, tension, injury and other conditions.

Massage Therapy from a Registered Massage Therapist can help with everything from injury, muscle tension, chronic pain and stress, to posture, high blood pressure and sleep issues—as well as providing an hour or more of relaxation. It brings many benefits to our muscles, connective tissues, tendons and ligaments.

With a parent and/or guardians consent a child under the age of 18 may receive massage therapy. The parent and/or guardian MUST sign the intake forms or massage cannot take place. It is very important that no matter how old the child is, they also must consent and be willing to receive massage. We recommend starting with shorter lengths of time for younger children. One parent is allowed to stay in the room with the child while treatment takes place.

Please make your Massage Therapist aware that you are pregnant. Anything disclosed to your massage therapist is confidential. Massage Therapy in the first trimester (weeks 1-13) is not recommended. Once you are into your second trimester and a doctor has given you the all clear, we would be more than happy to offer you treatment.

Most extended plans cover massage therapy and many offer Direct Billing. It’s best to check with your insurance provider before your appointment to see how much is covered and whether you require a doctor’s note in advance to be reimbursed.

If your insurance company is not set up for direct billing please be prepared with an alternate form of payment. After your treatment you will be provided with a receipt that has all the information you need to submit to your insurance company yourself.

Your comfort is a top priority. Our massage therapists are trained to make sure the sheet on the massage table always drapes you and ensures your privacy. If at any time you feel uncomfortable due to pain, treatment or draping, please let your therapist know. Before and after the massage, you will be able undress and dress in privacy. You are more than welcome to leave clothes on, we recommend talking with your therapist about what areas can be worked with your clothes on.

It depends on the length of time you choose and pricing changes business to business.

It can range from $30-170.

Check out Zen Paradise’s pricing and service list above. 

It’s not uncommon to feel some muscle soreness after a massage. Massage triggers a release of lactic acid stored in tight muscles, which can create a temporary feeling of soreness and potentially bruising. Many people enjoy post-massage heightened energy levels and an increased range of motion.

You do not need to talk during your session. Many clients prefer to relax and take in the experience silently. If you wish to talk to your massage therapist you should feel comfortable in doing so. It is crucial you tell your massage therapist if you need any adjustments to pressure, are cold or too warm, or have anything else that needs addressing. This is your treatment and should feel zen throughout.

There are many benefits to Hot Stone Massage but there are some conditions that need consideration before treatment. The most common contraindications are; pregnancy, any condition that impacts the immune system (such as Lupus, Cancer, Mononucleosis to name a few), any conditions that impact the skin such as severe bruises, burns, shingles and/or any condition that results in a loss of sensation (examples include diabetes, Neuropathy and Peripheral Vascular Disorder). If you have a specific condition that is not listed, please make sure to discuss it with your Medical Doctor and Massage Therapist prior to treatment. 

You will be required to fill out a online health history form, this is sent to you via email when you book your appointment. The RMT may also ask more in-depth questions to know which areas you would like focused on, or if there are any specific conditions that need to be addressed. It is important to list all health concerns and medication so that your therapist can adapt your session to your needs without causing any harm. It is also important to list all allergies so that your therapist may adjust the oil or cream being used during your visit.

The Therapist will leave the room for you disrobe and get comfortable on the massage table under the sheet and blanket. The therapist will knock on the door when they are coming back in the room to make sure you are ready to begin.

In general, massages should not hurt. In fact, if you are in pain during a massage, this may cause your muscles to seize up, making the zen effects more difficult to achieve. If the pressure is too intense or too light, let your therapist know during your session so they can adjust. Certain techniques may result in soreness during the days following a massage, similar to that of a great workout, but in general, you should not have intense pain during or after your massage.